The workshop is on-line so you can participate from the comfort of your home or enjoy a nice cup of coffee at your local coffee shop.
Since this program is designed for people with hearing loss, we use group texting as the communication mode for participants to engage in the online conversations with PowerPoint as its backbone.
Basic Computer Skills Are Required.
Have questions? Contact me!
Workshop Schedule/Locations coming soon!
If you have a hearing loss and aren’t always comfortable in personal, business or social situations, this workshop will help you tremendously. It’s all on-line so you can take from the comfort of your home. It uses group texting and PowerPoint (no oral). It doesn’t matter how severe your hearing loss is, you’re a part of the group and a part of the solutions we’ll discover together to help you live a more enriching and empowering life.
Spouse, friend or family member
If you’re the spouse, friend, or family member of someone with hearing loss, or a concerned co-worker who wants to help a colleague who may be experiencing a recent or long-term loss of hearing, this workshop is the kindest gift you could ever share with them. And, since it’s all online, you can participate in each session with the rest of the group. By being alongside your friend or loved one, you’ll leave with a much deeper understanding of what they contend with on a daily basis and the emotional and physical toll a hearing impairment takes on a person.
If you’re an Audiologist and you have a patient who is struggling to accept their hearing loss or is being obstinate about adapting to their device, hearing differently at home, at work, and in social environments, you’re encouraged to suggest this online workshop to them. And, as applicable, we may find that your patient actually might benefit better with one-on-one coaching, which is also available.
This innovative workshop’s goal is to give people with hearing loss the best hearing experience possible.
Workshop Schedule/Locations coming soon!
Workshop Covers:
Exploring your feelings about hearing loss
Learning technical solutions that can help you hear better, especially in challenging situations.
Exploring common sense strategies
Weekly Topics Covered:
Week one and week two:
Coming to Terms with our Hearing Loss
Week three:
How to Read an Audiogram (given by a third year Audiology Student)
Week four:
Auditory Fatigue and how it affects us
Communication Strategies for both people with hearing loss and their communication partners
Week five:
Hearing aids and cochlear implants from a user's point of view
Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Week six:
Assistive Listening Devices especially for challenging hearing situations
Auditory Training
Are you doing everything you can to give yourself the best possible hearing experience?
Based on my experience, it was only after I “came out of the closet” about my hearing loss did I explore ways to help myself have the best hearing experience.
What about you? Have you explored ways other than your hearing aids to give you the best hearing experience possible?
We can’t promise this workshop will improve your hearing. But we CAN promise you will:
Feel better about yourself and living with hearing loss
Understand and make good use of hearing technologies
Learn communication strategies to improve your understanding of conversations
Learn how to advocate for yourself